On 17th September I entered the Wellingborough Bake Off. I baked a chocolate chai cake that was decorated with the history of Wellingborough. I used chai tea called Chaimaccino which was blended in Bella Barista in Wellingborough. As you can see it shows some of the historical elements of Wellingborough. These include Dulley’s baths (shown by the diving man), the farming of wheat and milling at Whitworths, and shoe and boot making.
I decided to present the sugar craft creations I had made on some chocolate as I thought that would look and taste nice and would also mean that that the coloured sugarcraft figures would not leak colour into the icing. I used some Beech's Anglesey Sea Salt Chocolate thins which were perfect for this. Beech’s had sent me a box of their delicious chocolates to try in my bakes, and this was the first I used and was very pleased with them. The chocolate thins melted in the mouth and were really creamy.
It was nice to see an increase in the number of children entering the bake off: the huge amount of amazing entries were not just from the adults but from the children. After a few hours I had found out that I had won the 12-16 category which I was thrilled about. As a prize I was given an amazing 2016 Bake Off book along with an engraved rolling pin and a £20 gift voucher for Wellingborough’s cooking shop Rowlatts. I spent a long time deciding what to spend my money on, because of their massive range of products! I decided in the end I would buy a dough cutter which is handy for my bread making, a new fondant rolling pin and a sugar craft tool.
My sister entered the under 12 category with her strawberry milkshake unicorn cake and she got runner up.
We took a small amount of cake home to share with our family and left the remainder to be sold off along with the other cakes for Macmillan Cancer charity
We took a small amount of cake home to share with our family and left the remainder to be sold off along with the other cakes for Macmillan Cancer charity

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