Here are the breads I made:
1. Goats Cheese and herb cornbread
I saw cornbread for the first time at a food festival. I loved the colour and flavour and so decided to put my twist on a basic recipe I found on the internet. I added local smoked goats cheese, and my own home grown herbs. I decided to use a 6-stranded plait which I learnt from following YouTube. I found the plait easy to do with the video.
2. Fruit and Nut Challah with Persian Flavours
I have been inspired by Persian Flavours after trying some white chocolate with Persian spices at Paul A Young Chocolatiers. I love the combination of pistachio and rose as it looks pretty and tastes good. I mixed up my own Persian Spice mix by combining lots of different spices. It was difficult to grind the rose petals so I added a little granulated sugar and it blended down. I tried this bread several times, adding different amounts of spice and fruit. I also tried rings and straight plaits. The bread has a nice combination of flavours and textures.
3. Saint Lucia Saffron Buns
I have always wanted to bake with saffron, and decided to use a Edd Kimber recipe for St Lucia Saffron Buns . Instead of doing single buns, I decided to shape them into a ring. I also added a little cardamon for extra flavour. The smell of the bread was amazing, and I was pleased with the colour of the buns.
I had lots of fun trying out these new shapes and flavours. I am looking forward to hearing what the judges think of them.
This month I am very excited to feature in the Real Bread Campaign's True Loaf publication. Here is my article. You can read the whole magazine when you join the Real Bread Campaign and keep up to date with news about the Real Bread Campaign