Yesterday me and Mum went to pick some blackberries for our Blackberry and a SECRET INGREDIENT JAM! ( I will tell you about that later.)
It was unusual to find so many blackberries as its only July. Mum told me,"Why are there few elderberries?"
I didn't know. Then she said, "Because we've been picking all the elder flowers for our cordial!"( Which is below in our blog) There was about 4 or 5 elder berry bunches. The Secret ingredient is... is... not to be revealed until the world jampionships!
My recipe:
450g of Secret Ingredients
450g of blackberries
900g of sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
100ml of water
1. Cook the blackberries and the secret Ingredients in 100ml of water and lemon juice.
2.Mix in the sugar and boil until set at about 104.5 degrees
3.Pour into warm jars and put the lids on straight away.
Top Tips:
1. Be kind and give some to someone special.
2. To check if the jam is set, get some out with a teaspoon. and put in dots on a cold plate that has been in the fridge .Put the plate back in the fridge for 2 min. Push a jam dot with your finger. If it wrinkles it is set.
Jammy Baker 3